
The Write Class

The Write Class is an online English course placement tool that integrates various points of data to create a personalized course placement for each student.

It integrates and analyzes each student's:

  • Standardized test scores (if available),
  • High school GPA (if applicable),
  • Writing and reading history,
  • Preparedness for each course.

The goal of The Write Class is to help place students in the composition/writing class that will maximize their opportunities for success. This process will take between 20-30 minutes. Please take this process seriously and respond as accurately as possible. Please be sure you have the time to answer all questions before beginning. Because you are answering these questions as a member of the Concordia University community, you are obligated to abide by .

The Write Class is an online English course placement tool, not a test, therefore, it does not allow for multiple attempts.

Based on the information you provide in The Write Class, you will be placed into English 104 or 104/105 (for traditional undergraduate students) or ENG 210 or 210/211 (for accelerated students). Placement results are final.

If you believe you already have credits for one or more of the courses listed above, you will receive more detailed information about your options when you meet with your advisor to register for class.

Frequently asked questions

All new undergraduate Concordia University students will need to complete The Write Class for placement into the proper English course, including: ENG 104 or ENG 104/105, ENG 210 or ENG 210/211. Below are FAQs about The Write Class.

General advising for The Write Class:

What is The Write Class (TWC)?

TWC is a multiple measures course matching tool. It uses information such as high school GPA, standardized test scores, reading/writing assessment, and student projections based on careful consideration of course materials and external factors to match students with the appropriate first year writing course.

How long does it take to complete?

The process takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. We encourage students to complete the process when they have time to carefully consider the information. We also encourage students to work through the process with parents and/or advisors.

Can students re-do The Write Class?

No. Students cannot go back and change answers during the process, which is why we stress the importance of completing The Write Class when they have the time and attention to devote to it.

Do students who have taken the ACT/SAT still need to complete The Write Class?

Yes. ACT/SAT scores alone cannot be used for placement. Because these tests are not indicative of the coursework for English 104 and 105 or ENG 210 and 211, we want students to have a better understanding of course options to determine which may be best suited for their academic success.

Can I change my enrollment once the course begins?

No. The Write Class is a self-directed inventory which allows students to provide input regarding needs specific to writing support. Given the variety of questions in TWC and the software algorithm, student placement results are final for enrollment purposes. If you feel your placement is inaccurate, you may contact the English Department Chair.

Advising for students with prior learning and transfer credits:

Do students with AP/CLEP scores or transfer credit still need to complete The Write Class?

Yes. Students with high AP scores (3 or higher on Language and Composition = credit for ENG 104/ENG 210), or CLEP scores (50 or higher on College Composition = credit for English 104/ENG 210) or transfer credit, will receive credit based on their test scores/credits; however, they will still need to complete The Write Class.

Students who have earned credit to satisfy the ENG 104/210 requirement and still wish to enroll in a writing course at Concordia University must speak with their Academic Advisor.

How do students receive credit based on test scores?

Students must submit official documentation of their AP or CLEP scores to the Registrar’s Office.

How do students receive credit based on transfer courses?

Upon admission to Concordia University, all college transcripts are evaluated. Students are notified of transfer credits that meet the ENG 104/210 requirement through the official transcript evaluation process conducted by the Registrar’s Office.

Please note: this process may take a few days to complete.