
Current students can pick their room and roommate(s) through our Room Selection process. Watch your email – we will direct you through each step of the process. In the meantime, here is a list of important dates and an overview.

  • Monday, January 22, 2024: room selection email goes out
  • Friday, March 1, 2024: Deadline to complete housing application for room process
  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024: timeslots assigned
  • Monday, April 8, 2024: students with approved housing accommodations announced
  • Tuesday – Thursday, April 16-18, 2024: room selection

Process overview

Step #1: Complete your StarRez Housing application

Submit your application before 4PM Friday, March 1, 2024 to be eligible for Room Selection.

Step #2: Form your roommate group (skip this step if you want to live in a single)

All members of the group need to accept each other in the StarRez Housing Application. Your roommate group must fill a room/suite.

Step #3: Make a plan for room selection

After Spring Break, each student who completed an application will receive a timeslot. The timeslots are assigned based on a formula that considers:

  • Total semesters living on campus
  • Total credits earned
  • GPA
  • Conduct points (negative value)

Once you have established your group, whoever has the earliest timeslot can drop the entire roommate group into a room/suite.

Talk to the Cashier’s Office about any holds on your account. If you have a hold on your account, you will not have access to choose a room on StarRez.

Step #4: Select your room/suite at your designated timeslot

You will select your room through the StarRez Housing Application. We will also offer in-person support during Room Selection. Watch your email for details.

If you complete Room Selection and have a room assignment, then you have signed a housing contract for the entire 2024-25 academic year.  If you do not go through Room Selection and do not have a housing assignment for next year, your $300 deposit may be refunded (less any room damage charges) after you complete a proper check out and housing cancellation at the end of the 2023-24 academic year, thus fulfilling this year’s housing contract.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I miss the March 1 deadline?

If you do not submit the StarRez Housing application by 4PM March 1st, you will not receive a timeslot of your own, but once all the timeslots have passed, we can place you in a room (if you have a completed app).

If you want to room with a group of friends, they can pull you into their timeslot, but the person whose timeslot the group is using, must email ResLife at residence.life@cuw.edu before April 8, 2024 so we can assist you with this.

How many roommates do I need to have?

You need to fill your suite/room.

What happens if someone in our group doesn’t accept their invitation?

If someone does not accept the invitation to join your group, you have two options:

  1. Invite someone else to join your group
  2. Select a room/suite based on the size of your current group
What if I want to room with a new incoming student or someone who is currently commuting?

Anyone not currently living on campus will not have access to the Room Selection portion of StarRez, so you'll need to work with ResLife to help you manually set this up. Email us at residence.life@cuw.edu before April 8, 2024 so we can assist you with this.

If I’m currently living off campus, can I move back on campus for 2024-25 academic year?

Yes! We’d love to have you back. If you complete the StarRez Housing application before Room Selection, a friend group can pull you into their timeslot. They just need to work with ResLife to manually add you to the group. Email us at residence.life@cuw.edu before April 8, 2024 so we can assist you with this. If you don’t have a group of friends in mind to live with, we are happy to work with you to find the right spot!

What if I have other questions or a unique situation?

We're here to help. Please email us at residence.life@cuw.edu or call 262-243-4328 between 8:00AM-4:30PM Monday – Friday. We would also love to talk with you in-person. Simply stop by our office in AL107, across from the bookstore.